
Why Won’t My Hair Grow?!?! – Retention is Growth.

A very popular myth in the black hair community is that our hair does not grow past a certain length. There are countless facts that dis-spell this myth but many women, for one reason or another, continue to believe it. Hair is always growing. In fact depending on genetics, diet, hormones and a range of other factors, our hair grows an average of half an inch each month! That is on average six inches a year.  However, what we do to our hair and how we care for our hair will determine if we actually see the growth from preserving it.

Fact: Hair is a dead substance; technically it does not grow because it’s not a living substance. It’s a material like clothing that we can care for. If you dry clean your clothing and protect it from getting damaged it will most likely have a longer wearable “life”. Alternatively, if you wash your hair too frequently with harsh chemicals or care for your clothing roughly it will reflect that.

“Treat your hair like a fine lace”. – Nina Pruitt

For a video posted by YouTuber KimmayTube outlining the basics factors that affect hair growth, click HERE.

When you have a length goal always remember:  Retention = Growth.

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